
I’ll be frank, so far 2017 is not my favourite year ever. I’ve had a week off work sick, a busy midterm, a broken car, sick kids, lots of first world problems iike deciding to do some technical stuff with my blog and messing it up and needing my friend (Laura Kenny Digital) to spend ages trying to fix it and little silly things like leaving my wallet behind in a shop, and dropping a full cup of badly needed  coffee. The “technical issues” have meant that I’ve written next to nothing recently, in fact I only have two posts for the whole month of February, which is unheard of.

I’m back. I’ve tons of posts I want to finish off and get out there. Have a look around my newly designed site and see what you think. I’ve spent ages on it, it’s remarkable how long things like this can take (maybe not that remarkable as I have no IT qualifications). Let me know what you think.

I couldn’t decide which post to put some work into getting out first and then I noticed a linky prompt from  Maud from Awfully Chipper about sharing a snapshot of my life right now. I love the idea, and really enjoyed reading the other posts in the series, so I’m delighted to join in.


Listening to: Ed Sheeran mostly, sure isn’t everyone, he’s impossible to avoid if you listen to the radio at all. I don’t love Galway Girl at all, it’s way too twee, but Castle on the Hill is catchy. I’m still singing the happy song from Trolls though, and my eldest is practising his tinwhistle lost.

Watching: “Heartbreak” This amazing short film by Emmet Kirwan which is a commentary on being a woman in Ireland. If you haven’t watched it yet give it the 7 minutes or so that it needs and prepare to be close to tears, angry and well, overwhelmed by it. I keep rewatching.


Playing: Barbies. The small girl loves playing Barbies so I’m regularly pretending to be one and having high-pitched conversations about going shopping now and changing into heels that only strippers should be wearing to pretend to go to the Barbie supermarket. Disclosure: Playing Barbies is not my favourite.
Reading:  I’m currently reading three books.  Crazy I know, but since discovering the Borrowbox app on my phone I have a book and an audiobook on the go on it all the time (the current e-book is “The Wonder” by Emma Donoghue and the the current audiobook is “The Miniaturist” by Jessie Burton. My current, hold it in your hands book is Jodi Picoult’s “Small Great Things”, which was a Christmas present.

Looking Forward To: We’ve booked a family mini-break for during the Easter holidays and we haven’t told the kids yet. I’m hoping for lots of exploring, some glasses of wine in the hotel, ice-creams and no tantrums. I might need to manage my own expectations, but hey, I’ve got to dream.

Drinking: Lots of hot tea, no sugar, a little milk. Lyons Gold Blend if you have it. (Or if it’s time, gin and tonic thanks, that Boyle’s one in Aldi with some Fevertree tonic is divine, with ice, cucumber and lemon)


Wearing: Right now? My Nike runners with the holograms that I got in New York (on that trip I have yet to blog about), my standard M&S skinny jeans and a hoodie as I’m always cold.

Eating: Badly. I’ve been busy which means I’ve been  tired so I’ve been overdosing on rubbish and not meal-planning properly and generally winging it. And I’m feeling it in my head and in my jeans.

Working On: Well, work stuff obviously but I can’t tell you about that or I’ll be fired. What I can tell  you about is working on my blog to make it look prettier and easier to read. I’m also working on shouting less. I hate shouting, I want to do it less. I’m working on it.

Permanently Frustrated by: I could do a whole post on this. Maybe I should? Traffic. Stupid People. Lack of Sleep. Reproductive Rights. Pay Equality. That there are shoes everywhere. Folding and putting away clothes. Bad customer service. Should I go on?

Enjoying: Getting some air. I’ve come to realise that beach walks are really good for my soul, so I’m trying to get there as often as I can and just switching off. Also, big hugs from small people.


Not Enjoying: Solo Parenting when my husband is working late or away with work. It seems I’ve exactly the right (or close enough to the right) amount of patience for co-parenting at the best of times, but not nearly enough for solo parenting ever. I get tired and bark at the kids and it’s just hard. Fair play to the solo parents who do it all the time, you’re amazing. Also, making the school lunches, because it’s a chore.

That’s my snapshot of now.

Check out the rest of the posts in the linky on Awfully Chipper.


  1. I can’t find the like button, but the new look is the business. With you on the reduced shouting. Well, I’M TRYING ANYWAY.

    • I can’t figure out how to add a like button on this newfangled site, but I’ll remember that you liked this, and am very appreciative of you taking the time to comment 🙂

  2. Great post Sinead. Great linky to give an overall, well, snapshot of what is happening in your life. Think I’ll do this one next week.

    Website looks fantastic by the way!

  3. I lolled at getting fired if you talked about work So flippin true.

    The like button is in the Jetpack plugin btw. Took me a year to discover that

  4. The website looks great!
    That Heartbreak short is powerful.
    Fresh air is my saviour most days, though I don’t take full advantage of being so close to the beach and I should.

  5. Well done on your site. It looks great. I laughed at your patience only matching co parenting. How true for so many of us.

  6. I’m feeling quite similar about the start of 2017….minor annoyances that all together leave one anxious mammy….and I’m trying to let go and get out for those walks and remember just how lucky I am!! I love this post because when life is busy it is a series of snapshots…happy, sad, manic,etc!! Great stuff!!

  7. Love the new look and definitely do a frustrated post!

  8. It’s looking fab! And I like the most look into your life with this post. And so add a like button soon.

  9. Thank you for joining the linky! Your new design is lovely – very clear and easy to read. I would love a walk on your beach – it loosk perfect.

  10. Helen, The Busy Mama

    Lets get Barbie out marching in some fabulous pink stilettos for those reproductive rights on Wednesday! A nice bit of multi-tasking!!
    Well done on the overhaul. It looks and works fab! X

  11. Love the new site!Kudos!!!I will hopefully be following in your footsteps once we get out internet sorted.

  12. LOVING the new look here. It’s really beautiful and easy to read and navigate. Fair play. I’mm tinkering with mine but it’s not even nearly there yet.

    I’m loving beach walks these days too. How lucky we are to live near the sea. x

    • Thanks, it’s a minefield doing the redesign isn’t it? I keep breaking mine 🙁 The beach is good for us, that sea air has magical properties to lift the soul I think.

  13. The new look to the site is great Sinead. I’m totally with you on the “frustrated by” section of this post.

  14. Pingback: Snapshot ~ March 2019 - Bumbles of Rice

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