Setting the Lockdown Record Straight

I pride myself on honesty, on not glossing over things. I don’t claim to have a perfect house or a perfect life. I am very aware that I am lucky, and I like to believe that I am aware of my privilege. I don’t use the excuse of being honest…

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Re-emerging with Lessons from Lockdown

I won’t pretend this whole lockdown has been easy. I haven’t even managed to finish my lockdown diary that I started. I might, sometime. Or not. We’ve re-emerged from the cocoons we built ourselves and our families. We built them to hold us tight together, and to keep us apart.…

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Diary of Unprecedented Times: Vol II

Let’s pick up where we left off in Volume I. Friday, March 27th I’m exhausted though and don’t wake til 10.30am. My last day of taking steroids and I am starting to feel stronger. By the time I come downstairs the kids are at the kitchen table in pyjamas doing…

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Diary of Unprecedented Times: Vol I

As I sit on my couch and type this I think about everything that has happened in the last few months. Two months ago I was in Richmond, Virginia visiting my friend. Today, I’m supposed to stay within 2km of my house unless my journey is essential. All local shops…

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I’ll be frank, so far 2017 is not my favourite year ever. I’ve had a week off work sick, a busy midterm, a broken car, sick kids, lots of first world problems iike deciding to do some technical stuff with my blog and messing it up and needing my friend…

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An Incomplete List of Morning Struggles My Children Experience

The morning is a struggle for the children of this house. Some more than others. Despite being up (of their own accord) before 6am they face a series of challenges, some nearly insurmountable, many of which their inconsiderate parents just don’t seem to appreciate or give sufficient weight to. The children…

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Our Summer 2016

And just like that the summer is over and we’re flung headways into wet and windy weather. Except now it’s warm. Sandals or boots? With the reintroduction of homework the holidays are well and truly over, so to mark the end of it all decided to do a little recap…

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