Snapshot: May 2021

I’ve started treating the snapshot series of blogposts as a way of recording things now, not just to give others an insight into my life but to help remember things myself too. Here’s a snapshot of things right now: Listening  to silence in the house since the kids have gone…

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Snapshot: Lockdown again

February 2021 It’s getting monotonous isn’t it? The whole lockdown thing. Boring. Here’s a snapshot of just how boring. Listening  I’m listening to any silence that I can find. I miss silence, with the kids home and sharing an office with my husband the place is rarely to never quiet.…

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Snapshot – March 2020

I’ve been meaning to blog for a while. I have lots of ideas, day trips, observations about my children as they grow up right before my eyes, lists of things. But I was sick, for what seemed like ages. Just as I would get better I’d relapse. Then I was…

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Snapshot – June 2019

I decided to do a snapshot post, because, well, they’re easy posts to do but sometimes help me get a handle on things and I found this one that I had written in early June. If I don’t publish it it disappears so I’m going to hit publish and backdate…

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Snapshot ~ March 2019

I last did a snapshot post about two years ago- you can read it here. I happened on it lately and liked looking back over that little, well, snapshot of my life then so I decided to do another one, here goes. Listening to rehearsals for the school St Patrick’s…

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I’ll be frank, so far 2017 is not my favourite year ever. I’ve had a week off work sick, a busy midterm, a broken car, sick kids, lots of first world problems iike deciding to do some technical stuff with my blog and messing it up and needing my friend…

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