Hello 2023!

Hello! Welcome to 2023’s posts, I didn’t do a roundup post for last year but as I think about it, I realise that I wasn’t great at updating my blog as I went along during the year with various trips and adventures. I’m going to make a better effort this…

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Bumbles of Rice is Ten!

Yes, it’s ten years today since my first post was published. It was written on my couch in my “old house”, amid piles of post-holiday laundry. Back then I had two small boys who went to bed early and a husband who worked late and my blog was my evening…

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Snapshot: January 2022

This January I am mostly not making resolutions. Here’s a little January update. Listening to…music practice. My daughter has recently taken up concertina and loves it so is practising loads. I’ve had very little music playing otherwise, enjoying the quietness. Watching After Life on Netflix. I avoided Ricky Gervais’ series…

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Snapshot: Lockdown again

February 2021 It’s getting monotonous isn’t it? The whole lockdown thing. Boring. Here’s a snapshot of just how boring. Listening  I’m listening to any silence that I can find. I miss silence, with the kids home and sharing an office with my husband the place is rarely to never quiet.…

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Setting the Lockdown Record Straight

I pride myself on honesty, on not glossing over things. I don’t claim to have a perfect house or a perfect life. I am very aware that I am lucky, and I like to believe that I am aware of my privilege. I don’t use the excuse of being honest…

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Re-emerging with Lessons from Lockdown

I won’t pretend this whole lockdown has been easy. I haven’t even managed to finish my lockdown diary that I started. I might, sometime. Or not. We’ve re-emerged from the cocoons we built ourselves and our families. We built them to hold us tight together, and to keep us apart.…

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Diary of Unprecedented Times: Volume 4

Lockdown continues and so does my lockdown diary.  I’m not really sure if anyone is interested in reading, but a lot of the purpose of a blog is to record things, so I’m doing that for me here. Saturday April 18th Another Saturday hanging around at home in our 2km…

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Diary of Unprecedented Times: Volume 3

Welcome to the third instalment of my lockdown diaries, or covid-19 diary, which I have simply called a diary of unprecedented times because who knows what will happen next! You  might notice that I have moved away from Roman Numerals in the title as it sounds like this series may…

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Diary of Unprecedented Times: Vol II

Let’s pick up where we left off in Volume I. Friday, March 27th I’m exhausted though and don’t wake til 10.30am. My last day of taking steroids and I am starting to feel stronger. By the time I come downstairs the kids are at the kitchen table in pyjamas doing…

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