Category Archives: Mumbles
Bumbles of Rice is Ten!
Snapshot: January 2022

This January I am mostly not making resolutions. Here’s a little January update. Listening to…music practice. My daughter has recently taken up concertina and loves it so is practising loads. I’ve had very little music playing otherwise, enjoying the quietness. Watching After Life on Netflix. I avoided Ricky Gervais’ series…
Snapshot: Lockdown again
February 2021 It’s getting monotonous isn’t it? The whole lockdown thing. Boring. Here’s a snapshot of just how boring. Listening I’m listening to any silence that I can find. I miss silence, with the kids home and sharing an office with my husband the place is rarely to never quiet.…
Setting the Lockdown Record Straight
28 Things I’ve Learned since my Dad died 18 months ago
It’s December, you may not want to read this now, but Christmas is hard for people who are bereaved and the grief is strong so I’ve decided to publish it in case it helps even one person. My Dad died in June 2019. He died quickly, but not suddenly. He’d…