The Guilt

Guilt. Find an article about a working mother without the word being mentioned. Go on, I dare you. You’ll be a while looking. Guilt. “It’s a useless emotion.” “Don’t waste your time on it.” Let it go, like Elsa famously said. I’m sick and tired of being told what to…

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Flexible Working – How, Why and Why Not?

Flexible working, the holy grail of workers. The reason to move jobs. The most sought after benefit. Working when and where  suits you, getting the job done, being judged not on time spent sitting at a desk but work produced. The dream.  It’s the thing (you tell yourself) that will…

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Me Too. What About You?

When my kids want to be cruel to each other they taunt by saying something really nice to each other and then say “I really mean that too, in an alternate universe that doesn’t exist”. Talking to my husband recently about our general life experience, about everyday things like  walking…

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The Question I Dread

He asked again. The question I dread. The one that makes me overthink and sends me into a spiral of emotions. An abyss of mammy guilt. It’s been a while. I’ve enjoyed that while. He snuggled in next to me, so early that it was still dark outside. I felt…

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How to Make Your Commute Easier (or More Bearable)

Commuting is hard. Whether you’ve chosen to commute so you can afford a bigger house or to be closer to family, or like me you lost your closer-to-home job and it was the only option, it takes its toll. These days in my new(ish) job I travel 80km each way…

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Whose Job Is The Most Important?

It was 7.45pm. We were driving back from a hurling match 25 minutes’ drive from our house. I’d left the house just after 7 that morning, had worked 8-4 then left work, called to the house to collect my five-year-old’s football gear and the sandwiches (that my husband had made…

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Back From Holiday, Back to Normal

It’s been a bit quiet around here. If you follow me on Facebook or instagram you’ll be sick of my holiday photos know why. If you don’t why not follow now! We had a fabulous holiday. A fabulous family holiday,  where you still are on call to provide endless water and…

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Working Out Great

It’s become a thing now, an Easter holidays thing. On the Wednesday after Easter in 2014 I went back to work after my last maternity leave and wrote about it here.  On the Monday after the Easter holidays last year I started my new job and I wrote about it here.…

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Making Going Back to Work After Maternity Leave Easier

I’ve gone back to work after maternity leave three times. Each time it was an emotional wrench and a logistical nightmare rolled into one. Each time, I learned bits along the way to make things a little easier, mostly by trial and error if I’m 100% honest. Here are some…

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An Unexpected Advantage of Being a Working Mother

There are a lot of things about being a working mother that are difficult, that’s for sure. The word “working” adds another element to what’s already a tough station, rewarding and all as it is. There’s the leaving your children in the morning before they wake, or leaving them crying…

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