Family Christmas TV Recommendations 2020

Christmas TV Recommendations 2020 For the past five years I’ve collated my recommend family Christmas TV viewing and shared it on radio. I won’t be on the radio this year but a number of people have asked me about my Christmas TV picks so I’ve put together a list here.…

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Review and Giveaway: Ghostbus Kids’ Tour from DoDublin

We were recently invited to review the Ghostbus Kids’ Tour from DoDublin. They’re the crowd that have done the done the adult version for years, and I’d often meant to take it, but I softened. The new offering is a child-friendly ghost tour, done on “the Ghost Bus”. We’d never…

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Review(AD): Rathwood Superhero Adventure March 2019

This weekend we were invited to go to the Superhero Adventure at Rathwood in Co. Carlow. We’ve been to Rathwood numerous times before so knew more or less what to expect. so the smallest donned her superhero outfit with great excitement, and her older brothers came along for the promise…

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A Happy Birthday Surprise with Netflix

Both my sons have September birthdays, eleven days separate them. I’ve been listening to jokes about “having a good Christmas” since early 2008, and frankly I’m over it . With the two boys’ birthdays so close to each other and the competition between them so strong we always try to…

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Cabin Max Kids’ Luggage: Review

The kids are getting to the stage where they want their independence, they want their things to be separate from everyone else’s and they want control over their own bits. This is really highlighted when we travel. We used to pack 2 big bags when we went away, one for…

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5 Netflix Originals to Watch This Weekend

It’s a while since I’ve given you a Netflix update or recommendation so here are 5 Netflix Originals to Watch This Weekend. Netflix doesn’t just stream, it also creates content, like my favourites House of Cards and Stranger Things. Check these ones out hot from the press release with a…

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