Thanks for clicking through to find out more about Bumbles of Rice. Nice to meet you, let me introduce myself and show you around.
I’m Sinéad, I’ve been blogging here on Bumbles of Rice since June 2012. (You can learn where the blog name came from here.)
I’ve three children, two boys aged 14 and 12 and a 79year old girl, and I live in Co. Wexford, Ireland.
I’m a working mum, so I spend my time on zoom calls, cooking, mopping up spills, checking homework, standing on sidelines complaining of the cold and ‘adventuring’. In more recent years I’ve finally found time for myself to jog, play football and go to the gym. Yep, I’m “busy”, but who isn’t?
When I’m not doing any of the above I write about it here on my blog, or more often share on my instagram account. I keep it real, and try very hard to look on the bright side, that’s what gets me through!

Me and my three, 2016
Bumbles of Rice started out as a food blog but it’s evolved now to include posts about everyday life with kids, things that annoy me, daytrips, things I love, serious parenting topics and reviews as well as sharing some advice that I’ve learned along the way.
These days it’s one of Ireland’s leading parenting blogs, covering family, food and travel, it even won an award in 2016.
“Family” is the catch-all category for describing everything that happens in my life really. In the Parenting section of the blog you’ll find helpful hints and tips. a smidgeon of humour, some occasional rage and lots of pride and sentimentality, all shown through the honest filter.
I love to cook and am slightly (very) food obsessed. Time is scarce so I try to fill my freezer with good homemade food for dinners and home-baked treats for the kids’ lunchboxes, if they last that long. I’ve a great relationship with my slow cooker and my newly acquired airfryer is getting lots of use. My food philosophy (or maybe philosophy sounds fairly high-faluting) goes something like this:
I LOVE FOOD. I think about it nearly all the time and cannot understand the “food is fuel” believers. I love to eat out and get great joy out of a good meal and service to match.
I love to cook but nothing too complicated, I’m a homecook, I cook to feed my family. I have no formal training and my knife skills leave a lot to be desired. I shop in regular supermarkets and love a fancy treat but don’t spend all my time in gourmet shops. I love to try new recipes but rarely invent them myself. I am evangelical about not using jars when from scratch is easier but have (many) guilty pleasures and we are big fans of Aldi’s Specially Selected Butter Chicken jar these days. In our house we like quick and easy meals. I share tips and recipes in my food category.
And Travel

Pisa, 2015
I really love to travel. Back in the olden days pre-kids it was all about the mini-break and the exotic adventure holidays, these days it’s all about the kids. We enjoy exploring new places with the kids, the more “explorey” the better (for recent daytrips you could read this or this . When we started out we’d bring a picnic, collect sticks, jump in puddles and get some fresh air into our lungs while wearing the kids out, these days we watch them climb trees, tune out the grumbling, seek out coffee vans and still enjoy the picnic. Win win. I also blog about holidays in Ireland (like here) and abroad (like here). If you’d like us to come visit your tourism attraction or stay at your hotel drop us a line, maybe we could work together.
Freelance Writing
If you’d like me to write for you or your publication do email me – or contact me on twitter or facebook.
I’ve been a frequent contributor to Ireland’s most listened to radio programme The Marian Finucane Show on RTE Radio One since 2015. You can see the type of work I’ve done in the past on radio and TV and in the press here.
If you’d like to talk to me about featuring on radio or TV email me – or contact me on twitter or facebook.
Reviews and Sponsored Posts
I regularly review and give away products on the blog and am always interested in receiving new products or services to review, as long as they are relevant to my blog and fit with my themes of family, food and travel. My reviews get strong engagement, with the majority of my readers being women aged 35-55 who are parents. All reviews are disclosed and are my honest opinion. If I receive goods, services or payment for a post I always disclose this to my readers in the post.
I’ve collaborated with lots of brands over the years including Netflix, Asda, Fisher Price, Gill Books, O’Brien Press, The Connacht Hotel, Hotel Killarney, Canvas Holidays, and many, many more.
If you’d like me to review your product or if you wish to place a sponsored post on Bumbles of Rice drop me an email to and I’ll let you if I’m interested and send you my media pack. Receipt of unsolicited goods doesn’t mean that I will review them, but if I really like them I might give them a shout out. My decision is final on what I choose to feature. I write my own content and don’t feature pre-written posts by commercial entities.
Legal Stuff
Unless otherwise credited, all images on are owned by Sinéad Fox and may not be reproduced without my express permission. You must not reproduce any articles on without my express permission. Retweets and shares of my original piece, linked to my site or social media accounts, on social media are welcome and once properly credited don’t require consent.
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