Thanks for the Memories Dolores

I moved to Limerick in September 1993, with two new pairs of Penneys’ jeans, some nice tops and not a clue about anything really. I’d never spent any time in Limerick until then and had no affinity for the place. It took me in, the city that’s a lady. I…

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16 from '16

It’s good to look back before looking forward, to see what the year gave us. In going through old posts for this review of the year, inspired by Where Wishes Comes From’s ’16 from 16, I really was reminded what a positive year 2016 was for us.  It’ll go down as…

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A Student Sendoff Hamper

My youngest brother starts college next week, following four of five his older siblings off to University of Limerick. I was in first year in UL when Niall was born, and learned of his arrival by telephoning home from a payphone in Quinn’s pub. Twenty years later he’s off retracing…

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