Tag Archives: working
Flexible Working – How, Why and Why Not?
Snowed in, Snowed under
There were warnings. Lots of them. Joanna and Evelyn told us. We watched every bulletin and waited. It was coming. We bought provisions, bread (obviously), milk, chocolate, water, carbs, biscuits, vegetables to make soup, dinner things. By Tuesday excitement was high. Very high. Would Daddy make it home from London…
Whose Job Is The Most Important?
Working Out Great
It’s become a thing now, an Easter holidays thing. On the Wednesday after Easter in 2014 I went back to work after my last maternity leave and wrote about it here. On the Monday after the Easter holidays last year I started my new job and I wrote about it here.…
A Reflection on Wednesdays
Barefaced Beauty and Makeup Magic: How to look human on three hours sleep
Do You Have a Best Friend at Work?
What's Your Dream Job?
One morning as I drove to work I heard a clip on the radio about “dream jobs”. It gave the results of a “survey” which reported that Irish women’s thought that Imelda May, Katie Taylor and Cecelia Ahern had the best jobs in the world. (I found a report about…
The Apology to Working Mothers Doesn't Help Anyone. Here's What Will.
The last few days a piece kept popping up in my timeline on social media. It’s the piece that shows a smiling couple and a baby in a casual shot. The headline is “Female company president: “I’m sorry to all the mothers I worked with”. (Here’s the LINK.) Its author…