Tantrums: How I Deal with Them Third Time Around

I have three children. Looking back at the early days of parenthood, eight long and sleep deprived years ago, I often reflect that really we were just practising on our  firstborn (sorry son, we didn’t know what we were doing). We were uber-cautious about some things, and over-sensitive too, and…

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Whinging, Whining and Wishful Thinking?

I’m in the supermarket, my toddler is complaining that this is the wrong shop, kicking, shouting, making herself heard. I’m on the  school run, one child runs ahead purposefully, not wanting to be seen with the littler ones, another wants to balance on every kerb along the way. I’m at home in the…

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Dear Kids, This is why we say no

  Dear Monkey-faced divils, (I know you love when I call you that), I’ve been thinking a lot lately about being a mammy and what I am at. I’m really trying to be as good a one as I can for guys. You are great little people, I love you…

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You'd think I'd know better

   You’d think that I’d know better than to wear a white jacket to work, and leave it on when I’m collecting the kids. I do. I usually take it off and leave it in the car. You’d think that I’d know better than to bring the three kids to…

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A Tantrum Hero and some Lessons Learned

This morning I told a friend that I thought my three year old had really turned a corner, that he had more of a handle on his emotions and that he had gone almost a week without throwing a tantrum. I was delighted that he had matured so much, even…

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1-800 How’s My Parenting?

I know that by writing this post I’m in danger of being labelled “one of those” parents. I’m not sure exactly what that means, which colour coded bin that I’ll be fitted neatly into, but it seems to me that as a parent every interaction that I have with my children…

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