Our Summer 2016

And just like that the summer is over and we’re flung headways into wet and windy weather. Except now it’s warm. Sandals or boots? With the reintroduction of homework the holidays are well and truly over, so to mark the end of it all decided to do a little recap…

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Beach Scavenger Hunt

Sometimes simple ideas are the best. We were going to the beach this morning and were talking about collecting shells when I had a blast from the past. I mentioned the words “scavenger hunt” and Ciarán started asking questions. So he got a piece of paper and wrote “Scavenger Hunt”…

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The Taste of Summers Past

I laugh and then groan when I see the supermarket brochures and newspaper features about “Summer Eating”. I mean, we eat all year round don’t we? After my initial chuckle my mind wanders to think about what summer eating is to me, what dishes I suddenly hanker after as soon…

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Beach Days

The kids (I can’t say boys any more since little miss Laoise arrived) and I have decamped to my parents’ place, the house I grew up in in sunny seaside Duncannon to take advantage of our little heatwave (and the childcare assistance) for a few days. We went to the…

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