Quick Dinner: Pancetta and Leek Pasta

Quick Dinner: Pancetta and Leek Pasta On a weekday evening, when I’ve forgotten to take something from the freezer and I need to get dinner on the table fast I tend to turn to pasta and try to throw something together. Pancetta Cubes are my favourite “quick fix” ingredient to…

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Strawberry Lemonade

Strawberry Lemonade Have lemons, make lemonade.  I had bought a lot of lemons, and they needed to be used, but I had no inclination to do anything complicated, which in this case meant turning on the oven.  My sidekick suggested lemonade and counted out five lemons, as he remembered that’s…

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Banana Mushies

This isn’t a recipe, more a “what we did and ate”. Banana Mushies came about by accident. It started with talk of bananas and then cashew nuts came up and suddenly we had a bowl full of yum right there. A Mushie is a nice sweet mini-meal snack or treat…

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