Tag Archives: play
All Aboard for Dinovember!
22 Rainy Day Activities for Kids
It’s an Irish summer. If you’re doing a staycation this year you’ll need: your swimsuit; a warm fleece; suncream and wellies. Rainy days are inevitable, that’s what gives us our beautiful scenery. Don’t let the weather spoil your holidays, embrace it. Remember that there are some activities that can be done…
Are you ready for Dinovember?
The Toys that really got played with last Christmas
What the Dinosaurs Did Last Night: Our First Dinovember
Giving "messy play" a go
When I first heard people talking about “messy play” I had a little chuckle. Not at the idea of messy play, but at the idea of play that was anything other than messy! But messy in this context means more than just untidy it seems, it’s slippery and slimy and…
Playtime: an Icy Rescue Mission
I follow Happy Hooligans on Facebook and I’m forever saving cool activities that they do. I loved the look of this one – Ice Age Bin so a couple of weeks ago when the sun was shining brightly I filled a plastic box about the size of a shoebox with…
Rainy Day Activity: Cheat's Art project
The boys love “getting creative” (honestly, they actually say that!) but the mess can get too much for me. It’s not every day that I can face glue and glitter. If this is how you feel too read on for a way to keep everyone happy! We picked up these…