Tag Archives: parenting
1-800 How’s My Parenting?
Tantrums: Two tales and a little advice to onlookers
“It’s hard having tantrums” a wise two year old consoled my three year old lately, when he was mid tantrum. “Yeah” he sobbed and nodded in agreement, tears rolling down his cheeks. And I realised that she was speaking more sense than most adults when confronted with a tantrumming child.…
Life in Lists: Things I have cleaned off my kitchen floor this week
Bumbles of Rice looks back on 2013
New to Netflix: Turbo FAST
Bedtime Tales
Ten things you can do with a baby in your arms
Recent experience has taught me that there are two types of things in the world- those that can be done with a baby in your arms and those that can’t. List 1 – Ten things you can’t do with a baby in your arms. 1. Assist her older brothers in…
Breastfeeding in the Middle Ground
I hesitated a lot before writing this post. It’s not like me. I don’t hesitate in telling you what my boys and I ate for breakfast, packed lunch, dinner or tea, usually posting photos and recipes of it on twitter and facebook. (I probably should hesitate more about that, but…
Beach Days
The kids (I can’t say boys any more since little miss Laoise arrived) and I have decamped to my parents’ place, the house I grew up in in sunny seaside Duncannon to take advantage of our little heatwave (and the childcare assistance) for a few days. We went to the…