Two smallies down: Tales from the sick house

  This week we’ve two sick little people. It’s been rough going, but we’re over the worst of it I think. We cancelled our planned night out tonight as the small girl has been so unsettled in the evenings and instead of being out for dinner I’m writing about why…

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Celebrating the day we became parents

Our eldest son turns six this week. Our firstborn, the one that started the ball rolling and that brought us our ticket on the parenting rollercoaster. There will be cake with candles, and balloons and cards. He will be the centre of the world that whole day, and in a…

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Once upon a time in parenting – things I’ll miss

“Once upon a time in parenting” – isn’t that just a lovely title? It conjures a  sense of the magical, the mystical, and the long ago. The title isn’t mine, it’s The Busy Mama’s. She’s been gathering lots of bloggers’ thoughts on “parenting moments past” over the last few weeks,…

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Are we really doing things the wrong way around?

If you’ve been on social media at all today you’ll have noticed a bit of a furore around an interview with Kirstie Allsopp, presenter of Location, Location, Location. She’s not one for keeping quiet on issues that bother her and regularly takes to Twitter to protest about whatever’s on her…

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Watch what you say in front of the kids. Please.

Last Friday, due to a combination of pester power and working mammy guilt I found myself at a children’s show with my three children at 6pm after a long day in work. The promise had been made, the threat of not going used liberally all week, and then I remembered…

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A Tantrum Hero and some Lessons Learned

This morning I told a friend that I thought my three year old had really turned a corner, that he had more of a handle on his emotions and that he had gone almost a week without throwing a tantrum. I was delighted that he had matured so much, even…

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