Snowed in, Snowed under

There were warnings. Lots of them. Joanna and Evelyn told us. We watched every bulletin and waited. It was coming. We bought provisions, bread (obviously), milk, chocolate, water, carbs, biscuits, vegetables to make soup, dinner things. By Tuesday excitement was high. Very high. Would Daddy make it home from London…

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All Aboard for Dinovember!

Tomorrow is the first of November, when all across the world toy dinosaurs “come to life” at night and get up to mischief.  There’s no message, no threats for the kids to behave or the dinosaurs will report them to a higher authority, no consequences. It’s just old-fashioned fun, with…

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The Question I Dread

He asked again. The question I dread. The one that makes me overthink and sends me into a spiral of emotions. An abyss of mammy guilt. It’s been a while. I’ve enjoyed that while. He snuggled in next to me, so early that it was still dark outside. I felt…

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We Need Eight Hours Sleep They Say

I’m tired. Oh so tired. Nearly always. I’m tired of not getting enough sleep, and these days its more my own fault than the kids’. (Well, mostly, there still are nights that I wake up with a chubby foot on my neck and I wonder when she climbed in beside…

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Weekend Plans and No Plans

“What are you up to for the weekend?” This innocent question that I’ve asked and been asked every Friday, since well since I was old enough to have any control over my life at all, got me thinking. Time was, when someone asked I had plans for the weekend sometimes…

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There’s a part of my hand that hurts, a patch of skin on the back of my hand, near my thumb. It’s exactly where my daughter grips my hand when she wants to drag me somewhere. When you’re four any type of waiting is too much waiting, so she drags…

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Communion Reflection


“Communion Year this year isn’t it?” “Yes, not til May though, it’s ages away” Date announced, bouncy castle booked, save the date texts sent. Communion Meetings since before Christmas. The Do This In Memory Programme. Masses. Candles. “Are you all set for the Communion?”  “Sure it’s months yet” The outfit bought spontaneously…

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Diary of a Fidget Spinner Seeking Mom

If you don’t have children under the age of 15 you may not know what a fidget spinner is. Count yourself lucky not to be caught up in the madness. It’s a toy with spinning discs that was developed 20 years ago to help kids with autism, ADHD and anxiety…

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I Wondered Why Nobody Told Me, Now I Know Why

When I was pregnant for the first time I wondered why nobody had told me how awful pregnancy could be. How I would ache all over and every ailment from nausea to sinuses would be written off as a “pregnancy illness”. How insomnia would strike and I’d cry with tiredness sometimes.…

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