Broken Sleep, Broken Promise

There wasn’t much sleep had in our house last night. My three-and-a-half year old seems to have reverted to the sleeping habits of a newborn and was let’s say “wakeful” for many hours during the night. What started out as reassuring hugs degenerated into abrupt shouts to “get back into…

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A Reflection on Wednesdays

“Have a nice day off” my colleagues always say on Tuesday evening, the day before my day at home with the kids. It’s my day off work, previously my parental leave day, and now simply the day I am not contracted to work. I’ve taken one day off a week…

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A Sunny Moment

We’d a playdate planned today, venue TBC, and as soon as it was evident that the sun was shining my friend optimistically suggested that we go to the beach. We extended the invitation to more friends and planned our picnics. I packed the beach bag (OK three bags) including hoodies,…

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Ten Things I’ve Learned in Motherhood

Lucy, also known as Learnermama is a great blogging friend of mine. Her tagline “Because Mother Nature didn’t leave a manual” really rings true with me, we’re all making it up as we go along. Since Lucy wears the L plates with pride she’s on a bit of a mission…

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