Setting the Lockdown Record Straight

I pride myself on honesty, on not glossing over things. I don’t claim to have a perfect house or a perfect life. I am very aware that I am lucky, and I like to believe that I am aware of my privilege. I don’t use the excuse of being honest…

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Re-emerging with Lessons from Lockdown

I won’t pretend this whole lockdown has been easy. I haven’t even managed to finish my lockdown diary that I started. I might, sometime. Or not. We’ve re-emerged from the cocoons we built ourselves and our families. We built them to hold us tight together, and to keep us apart.…

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Diary of Unprecedented Times: Volume 3

Welcome to the third instalment of my lockdown diaries, or covid-19 diary, which I have simply called a diary of unprecedented times because who knows what will happen next! You  might notice that I have moved away from Roman Numerals in the title as it sounds like this series may…

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