The Bright Side of Cranky Evening Time

I wrote this last week, I couldn’t publish it then as it was too raw! On Tuesdays I usually work from home so I get to collect the kids early and give them dinner which I prepped at lunchtime.  I suppose I could take that glorious extra hour that I…

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55 Things I've asked myself since I had kids 

 Where’s the manual? Do all babies cry this much? Why didn’t anyone tell me? Why don’t babies come with teeth pre-installed?  Why don’t the packs of wipes ever close properly?  Where did all the money go?  What day is it?  Where’s my bag? Whose idea was this anyway?  Why…

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Nine things I need to do

Summer is fun, but it’s busy. It always is, with kids and work and summer things to do. Housework has been let lapse (I’m pretending it’s ever up to date). Paperwork hasn’t been filed (ditto, blame summer). It’s all in an admirable cause, everything tossed to one side in favour of…

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Ten things you can do with a baby in your arms

Recent experience has taught me that there are two types of things in the world- those that can be done with a baby in your arms and those that can’t. List 1 – Ten things you can’t do with a baby in your arms. 1. Assist her older brothers in…

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