Tag Archives: kids
Self Catering Accommodation in Hotel Grounds in Ireland
A Week in Dinners: Musical Week Mish-Mash and Getting our Priorities Straight
All Aboard for Dinovember!
The Question I Dread
He asked again. The question I dread. The one that makes me overthink and sends me into a spiral of emotions. An abyss of mammy guilt. It’s been a while. I’ve enjoyed that while. He snuggled in next to me, so early that it was still dark outside. I felt…
Making Memories: Kids Can Do It All By Themselves
Are you on Instagram? I am. I enjoy flicking through the perfect photos of the perfect bits of perfect lives. I even more enjoy the out-takes where instagrammers share the behind-the-scenes bits in their stories of what was REALLY happening when that perfect photo was taken. I like to see them keeping…
Nine Reasons Why Having a Toddler is Easier than Having Older Kids
There’s no denying that the baby and toddler years are hard. The physical exhaustion, the constantly being covered in someone else’s body fluids sometimes outweight the marvel of having created a child. The neediness, supreme dependence, the constant need for the child to be held, the lack of lie ins,…
Broken Sleep, Broken Promise
There wasn’t much sleep had in our house last night. My three-and-a-half year old seems to have reverted to the sleeping habits of a newborn and was let’s say “wakeful” for many hours during the night. What started out as reassuring hugs degenerated into abrupt shouts to “get back into…