Weekend Plans and No Plans

“What are you up to for the weekend?” This innocent question that I’ve asked and been asked every Friday, since well since I was old enough to have any control over my life at all, got me thinking. Time was, when someone asked I had plans for the weekend sometimes…

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Do You Constantly Compare Yourself To Others? Read On

We’re in a shopping centre, I’m pushing my daugher in her buggy and we’re chattering away. She stops talking and suddenly wails, pointing at another child who has passed us. “That girl has a lollipop why don’t I?”. I deal with it in a motherly way (No, I don’t rush to…

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Getting Perspective

There are days when everything seems to go wrong.  When you discover a child covering themselves in Sudocrem at the same time that you’re busy mopping up pee or wiping a bum. The traffic is bad, you break a heel on your shoe. You curse under your breath, or not…

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A Happy Day

We are all at high doh. Bursting with excitement. We’ve a big occasion today. It’s something that hasn’t happened in our family in ten years. We’ve been planning our outfits, our kid-keeping-occupied activities and our route. The boys have been quizzing us complaining that mass is boring and can we…

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Mindful of Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a bit a of buzzword at the moment. There are books on it, courses, TV programmes, mindfulness apps and podcasts. But it was only when I was asked to write about it that I realised I wasn’t really quite sure that I knew exactly what it was. Sure,…

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Nine things I need to do

Summer is fun, but it’s busy. It always is, with kids and work and summer things to do. Housework has been let lapse (I’m pretending it’s ever up to date). Paperwork hasn’t been filed (ditto, blame summer). It’s all in an admirable cause, everything tossed to one side in favour of…

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Happiness Project Update

It’s two months since I did my Happiness Project post. I really couldn’t believe the feedback that I got from the post and the number of tweets and comments about it, it really seemed to hit a chord with readers too, just like it had with me. So, in light…

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