The Guilt

Guilt. Find an article about a working mother without the word being mentioned. Go on, I dare you. You’ll be a while looking. Guilt. “It’s a useless emotion.” “Don’t waste your time on it.” Let it go, like Elsa famously said. I’m sick and tired of being told what to…

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The Question I Dread

He asked again. The question I dread. The one that makes me overthink and sends me into a spiral of emotions. An abyss of mammy guilt. It’s been a while. I’ve enjoyed that while. He snuggled in next to me, so early that it was still dark outside. I felt…

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Whose Job Is The Most Important?

It was 7.45pm. We were driving back from a hurling match 25 minutes’ drive from our house. I’d left the house just after 7 that morning, had worked 8-4 then left work, called to the house to collect my five-year-old’s football gear and the sandwiches (that my husband had made…

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An Unexpected Advantage of Being a Working Mother

There are a lot of things about being a working mother that are difficult, that’s for sure. The word “working” adds another element to what’s already a tough station, rewarding and all as it is. There’s the leaving your children in the morning before they wake, or leaving them crying…

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