The Toys that really got played with last Christmas

Last Christmas our house was invaded by so many toys, since they had been so good Santa delivered a large load, our kids have generous grandparents and lots of aunties and uncles as well and everyone knew that  small noses would be turned up at practical gifts so we had…

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Christmas Gift Ideas for Preschoolers

I’ve already done posts on gifts for Baby and for Toddlers so here’s the next in the series, for preschoolers (3 and 4 year olds). Here are my disclaimers first: Obviously different kids have different interests, some hate colouring, others have no love of board games. I haven’t mentioned any…

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Baby’s First Books

When my good friend had her first baby two years ago I knew exactly what gift I wanted to give her. Since we met we’ve shared a love of “a good book”. I take her book recommendations seriously and have enjoyed some great reads as a result (“Gillespie and I”…

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A Student Sendoff Hamper

My youngest brother starts college next week, following four of five his older siblings off to University of Limerick. I was in first year in UL when Niall was born, and learned of his arrival by telephoning home from a payphone in Quinn’s pub. Twenty years later he’s off retracing…

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