Goodbye to a decade 

I’m sitting on the couch, on a wet Friday night, wrapped in a blanket, sipping a gin and tonic. My husband is upstairs – wrestling with wrapping paper I hope. We’ve a playlist to agree, another drink to have and then my thirties will be over. They started in Venice,…

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It's Only a Zero. Right? 

I’m OK. Totally OK.  I am totally OK with turning 40 in two-and-a-half weeks. That’s what I’ve been telling myself for months and months, for years in fact.  It’s only a number.  I am as old as I feel, as old as I choose to believe, or choose to act.…

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Thirty Nine.

Today, I turn thirty nine. (Happy Birthday to meeee) I was born at midday on a Friday, thirty nine years ago. I arrived by c-section, my parents’ first baby. Nearly forty years ago. (Happy Mammyversary Mam, Happy Daddyversary Dad) From today, I’ll be “forty next birthday”, “in my fortieth year”.…

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