Number 2 Turns Ten

Sometimes when it’s the second child who hits a milestone it doesn’t get marked properly, and it’s my second born’s life’s work to ensure that this injustice does not happen to him. So here’s Cathal’s tenth birthday post because Ciarán got one and it’s only fair. (Makes diary note for…

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A Nearly-Missed Milestone

After years of waiting it happened without fanfare. It slipped by and almost went unnoticed, this event we’d been working towards for the last two years. Up until that point it was an average Friday evening. We had our now customary “Friday treat” of popcorn and hot chocolate, I emptied…

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Cool Enough for Big School

As I type there is a small boy dressed in stripy pyjamas bouncing around his bed upstairs. Every now and then he has an urgent request for parental intervention, or he drops something very loudly so that his daddy or I make the journey up the stairs to investigate. As…

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Four: "A weally big age"

Cathal is four today. I wrote last week about how six feels so old, much more than five. This week realise that I feel exactly same about four. Those damned even numbers get me every time. When Cathal turned three it felt like a normal progression, just a number. But…

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Bumbles of Rice looks back on 2013

Looks like we made it to the other side. We had a food and fun filled Christmas and Santa delivered, I hope yours went well too. So here we are, in the limbo week between Christmas and New Year, the time to eat leftovers and talk about how full you…

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