Bumbles of Rice is Ten!

Yes, it’s ten years today since my first post was published. It was written on my couch in my “old house”, amid piles of post-holiday laundry. Back then I had two small boys who went to bed early and a husband who worked late and my blog was my evening…

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Number 2 Turns Ten

Sometimes when it’s the second child who hits a milestone it doesn’t get marked properly, and it’s my second born’s life’s work to ensure that this injustice does not happen to him. So here’s Cathal’s tenth birthday post because Ciarán got one and it’s only fair. (Makes diary note for…

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She is Six

I don’t write a birthday post for each child each year, because life is busy and sometimes birthdays pass us by in a rush. This year, because things are just so hectic and there is so much going on I felt that it was even more important to sit down…

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I remember so well the first time I saw you. Your little head slightly squished from your fraught arrival, covered in a mop of blonde hair. She handed you to me, wrapped in your blue hospital blanket, “a big lad”she told me. You still are. I held you tight and…

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A Happy Birthday Surprise with Netflix

Both my sons have September birthdays, eleven days separate them. I’ve been listening to jokes about “having a good Christmas” since early 2008, and frankly I’m over it . With the two boys’ birthdays so close to each other and the competition between them so strong we always try to…

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She is Three

She is three now, my littlest. She turned three on Saturday. She’s certainly not a baby of course, she’s just my last born child. She’s not my baby, she’s a big girl she reminds me. She has her knickers, and big girls have knickers not nappies. She won’t wear a bib as…

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Fluffy Bunny Birthday Cake 

Miss L was very sure what kind of cake she wanted for her first ever birthday party (and second ever birthday) – she declared it would be a “bunny cake” and so, in the family tradition, it was to be. She turns three this week so this post is long…

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Goodbye to a decade 

I’m sitting on the couch, on a wet Friday night, wrapped in a blanket, sipping a gin and tonic. My husband is upstairs – wrestling with wrapping paper I hope. We’ve a playlist to agree, another drink to have and then my thirties will be over. They started in Venice,…

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