While They Are Sleeping

Evenings can be fraught in this house. We get in, always hungry whether or not we’ve eaten dinner minutes earlier. Snacks and drinks are served, someone (at least one) will be crying or whinging. Someone else will want attention. There will be homework to check, or to do, notes from…

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The Bright Side of Cranky Evening Time

I wrote this last week, I couldn’t publish it then as it was too raw! On Tuesdays I usually work from home so I get to collect the kids early and give them dinner which I prepped at lunchtime.  I suppose I could take that glorious extra hour that I…

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Some Read Aloud Bedtime Story Recommendations

  I asked on twitter recently for recommendations for books to read to the boys at bedtime. (Yes, I’m on twitter, if you’d like to follow me- see the button in the right column with a list of my recent, and entirely fascinating tweets or just check me out here…

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Bedtime Tales

Ah, bedtime. The time of day that parents worldwide await. The children go to bed, and parents retreat downstairs to silence, some adult time. Or that’s what you’d think. Alas, it’s rarely the case. So, to further my pursuit of honesty and openness in the world and to bust any…

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