A Sunny Moment

We’d a playdate planned today, venue TBC, and as soon as it was evident that the sun was shining my friend optimistically suggested that we go to the beach. We extended the invitation to more friends and planned our picnics. I packed the beach bag (OK three bags) including hoodies,…

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Beach Scavenger Hunt

Sometimes simple ideas are the best. We were going to the beach this morning and were talking about collecting shells when I had a blast from the past. I mentioned the words “scavenger hunt” and Ciarán started asking questions. So he got a piece of paper and wrote “Scavenger Hunt”…

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A Bit of “Mammy and Me” Time

We went on our “midterm holidays” last week, a sleepover in Granny’s- “Mama says that we can stay TWO nights” Cathal told anyone who would listen excitedly. Getting up the first morning the sun was shining so we decided to go for a walk on the beach and survey the…

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Beach Days

The kids (I can’t say boys any more since little miss Laoise arrived) and I have decamped to my parents’ place, the house I grew up in in sunny seaside Duncannon to take advantage of our little heatwave (and the childcare assistance) for a few days. We went to the…

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