Snapshot: Lockdown again

February 2021 It’s getting monotonous isn’t it? The whole lockdown thing. Boring. Here’s a snapshot of just how boring. Listening  I’m listening to any silence that I can find. I miss silence, with the kids home and sharing an office with my husband the place is rarely to never quiet.…

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Cod and Potato Pie

This is a pie that’s like a big potatoey fishcake, as opposed to a creamy one. The fish and potato intermingle. It’s a tasty one. We served with wilted spinach and baked beans (I knew I’d have refusals), peas are a perfect accompaniment. Cod & Potato Pie You’ll need: 6…

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Setting the Lockdown Record Straight

I pride myself on honesty, on not glossing over things. I don’t claim to have a perfect house or a perfect life. I am very aware that I am lucky, and I like to believe that I am aware of my privilege. I don’t use the excuse of being honest…

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Easy Satay Sauce Recipe

I really like Satay sauce but I had no idea how easy it was to make it at home, and even better it uses ingredients that I always have in the cupboard (and fruit bowl). This is enough for one dinner for two adults and three children in our house.…

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Family Christmas TV Recommendations 2020

Christmas TV Recommendations 2020 For the past five years I’ve collated my recommend family Christmas TV viewing and shared it on radio. I won’t be on the radio this year but a number of people have asked me about my Christmas TV picks so I’ve put together a list here.…

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What These Real Women Want for Christmas – 2020

I started this blog back in 2012, and in 2014, sick of reading ridiculous Christmas gift guides I decided to write my own. I enlisted my blogger friends and they dutifully came up with a list of what they wanted for Christmas and “What real women want for Christmas” was…

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The Best Scones I’ve ever made

I wanted to eat scones, so we made scones. Simple. We’d never really made them much over the years, I hate the mess, but we decided during Lockdown 1 to test some recipes. This one which comes originally from Donal Skehan Raspberry Scones recipe was the one my mam said…

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Snapshot: Lockdown Lite

Here we are, back in this weird, new lockdown. New normal, new guidelines, it all seems unreal, a limbo phase., The thing about the new lockdown, the one that I have decided is “Lockdown Lite” partly due to the diluted version of the rules, and partly due to the lighter…

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