Netflix Stream Team Update and Competition

    It’s competition time (again! you’re really, really spoiled here lately)  and to celebrate the release of more new episodes of  Turbo FAST, (available for streaming on 4th April) Netflix have given me a prize of  a 6 month Netflix subscription and Turbo FAST goody bag to give to one…

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Review: Fruit Heroes

Like any parent of young children I get very bored of putting lunchboxes together with the same old bits and pieces- sandwich, fruit, yogurt (if it’s near the end of the week or the spare uniform is clean), breadsticks.  Acceptable but boring. So when we were offered a new healthy…

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A Bumbles Bulletin

There are lots of things that I want to share but haven’t gotten around to, again so here’s a little roundup, a bulletin of sorts to get them all off of my list (and my conscience). Irish Seven Summits Our friend Paul Devaney from Killoe in Longford is off to…

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Review: Funky Giraffe Bibs

Little Miss Laoise is teething, she’s been teething for months but not a sign of a little tooth, just bright red cheeks, a snotty nose and oceans of drool. I’m changing her bibs constantly as they are soaked, and I remember being told with the boys that babies can get…

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Movie Review: Disney’s “Tinkerbell and the Pirate Fairy”

I’ll admit it, when we were invited to a preview screening of “Tinkerbell and the Pirate Fairy” I was nervous. You see, my two boys have very definite ideas about “boy things”and “girl things” and fairies, in their books at least, are definitely “girl things”. I broached the subject carefully,…

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Announcing Cookbook of the Week #4

The next Cookbook of the Week is a Nigella classic- “How to Eat”, published in 1998. I love Nigella’s recipes and use her website a lot so I’m looking forward to delving through this one properly over the next couple of weeks. Have you any favourites from this book, let…

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