Our Favourite Kids' Books: The Underwear Edition

When you are five years old  there are certain things that are beyond hilarious. The funniest things in the whole world, guaranteed to get a giggle. In our house, once of those things is the word “knickers”, and “underpants” comes a close second. (Farts, poos and wees feature high on…

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Kids' Book Review: Danny Chaucer's Flying Saucer

  We recently received a copy of Danny Chaucer‘s Flying Saucer by Christopher Peter for review. The release that we received beforehand said that it was – “A fun and engaging sci-fi adventure with strong themes about friendship and bullying. Fantastic for children 7+ either for home or in the…

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Review and Discount Code: Lottie Dolls

You may have noticed many, many mentions by me across all social media channels of the Irish Parenting Blog Awards and our great night out a few weeks ago. Well, at the night out we got a fantastic goodie bag from the sponsors of the awards. The most sought item…

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Hairy Baby Clothing: T-Shirt Review and Giveaway

It’s always easy when someone contacts you to review a product that you have previously bought and loved, and that’s exactly what it was like when Hairy Baby asked if we’d like to try out their Christmas range. We’ve been fans of the Cork based company for years now, pre-kids…

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Review: "Gruffalo: Games" App

  We were sent a download code for the Gruffalo: Games App to try out a few weeks ago. It’s an IOS app based on the Gruffalo books aimed at 3-7 year olds. I’ll confess upfront, I rarely pay for apps, despite the boys playing games on my phone a…

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