What If? A Book to Help Kids Every Day

It’s hard to give your kids all the answers, be it to the thousands of questions they ask daily, or the ones that they haven’t thought of yet that might help them in sticky situation. A friend contacted me recently to ask if I’d like to review a book that…

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Review and Giveaway: Get Crafty by Ali Coghlan

  I often get books in for review, and I try to look at them promptly to get the review published but this one kept disappearing. I found my five-year-old planning his birthday party out of it, and then discovered my seven-year-old long after bedtime re-writing his favourite crafts from…

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Natural Born Feeder: Review and Giveaway

It’s great to get something to review that you really want and have had an eye on, and that was the case when Gill Books sent me a review copy of Natural Born Feeder, Roz Purcell’s cookbook. Roz is well known as a model, and started her very popular healthy…

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Review: Irelandopedia – a book for all ages 

Gill and MacMillan sent me two very different books to review for Christmas, the first was Irelandopedia by daughter and father team Fatti and John Burke. (More about the second later in the week). I loved this book from the moment I saw it, the graphics and illustrations are really…

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Our Favourite Kids' Books: The Underwear Edition

When you are five years old  there are certain things that are beyond hilarious. The funniest things in the whole world, guaranteed to get a giggle. In our house, once of those things is the word “knickers”, and “underpants” comes a close second. (Farts, poos and wees feature high on…

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Cookbook Review and Giveaway: All in the Cooking 

  A few weeks ago I received a copy of “All in the Cooking”,  which has recently been reprinted by O’Brien Press and The Educational Company, for review. I loved the original, or as it happens the metric edition, when growing up. It was very well thumbed in our kitchen…

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Kids' Book Review: Danny Chaucer's Flying Saucer

  We recently received a copy of Danny Chaucer‘s Flying Saucer by Christopher Peter for review. The release that we received beforehand said that it was – “A fun and engaging sci-fi adventure with strong themes about friendship and bullying. Fantastic for children 7+ either for home or in the…

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