Are Your Kids Eating Too Many Treats? How to Cut Down

A press release from Safefood arrived in my inbox yesterday morning  as I left the house for work, another chapter in their campaign against childhood obesity. “New safefood research reveals giving treats to children still a daily habit” was as much as I read initially. I thought about it on my hour-long…

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Am I Out of Date Already?

When I was expecting my first child, back in 2008, I spent all my hours researching baby products. (Well, the ones I wasn’t eating or obsessing about baby names or drinking Gaviscon by the bottle). I made spreadsheets of buggies’ features, compared prices in different shops (and countries) and read reviews…

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Some Questions my children asked today

Today was my stay-at-home day which really means it was my do-the-school-runs-go to Gymboree-buy groceries-collect the kids-cook dinner- bring the kids to swimming- eat dinner-wash up-day. Even though the boys were in school for much of the day they managed to ask more questions than I can ever remember  them…

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Dear Kids, This is why we say no

  Dear Monkey-faced divils, (I know you love when I call you that), I’ve been thinking a lot lately about being a mammy and what I am at. I’m really trying to be as good a one as I can for guys. You are great little people, I love you…

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Making Going Back to Work After Maternity Leave Easier

I’ve gone back to work after maternity leave three times. Each time it was an emotional wrench and a logistical nightmare rolled into one. Each time, I learned bits along the way to make things a little easier, mostly by trial and error if I’m 100% honest. Here are some…

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Big, Middle, Little.

 I’ve three kids. Big, Middle and Little. They’ve each got very different personalities.  Sometimes, I find myself with just one of them in view and I get thinking about their position in the family and how it affects them.     I look at my eldest and I think: It’s…

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The Real Reason We're Late 

In the middle of the morning rush yesterday I had a rush of clarity. Somewhere between putting socks on and finding waterbottles suddenly everything became clear.  We often find ourselves in this position, rushing to be somewhere at the necessary time. I can list any number of reasons why we…

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While They Are Sleeping

Evenings can be fraught in this house. We get in, always hungry whether or not we’ve eaten dinner minutes earlier. Snacks and drinks are served, someone (at least one) will be crying or whinging. Someone else will want attention. There will be homework to check, or to do, notes from…

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A Nearly-Missed Milestone

After years of waiting it happened without fanfare. It slipped by and almost went unnoticed, this event we’d been working towards for the last two years. Up until that point it was an average Friday evening. We had our now customary “Friday treat” of popcorn and hot chocolate, I emptied…

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An Unexpected Advantage of Being a Working Mother

There are a lot of things about being a working mother that are difficult, that’s for sure. The word “working” adds another element to what’s already a tough station, rewarding and all as it is. There’s the leaving your children in the morning before they wake, or leaving them crying…

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