Category Archives: Mumbles
I'm a Finalist!
Six Things That Say Me (Or Mammy)

“That is so YOU”. “I saw this and thought of you instantly”. “That always reminds me of you”. Sometimes we form associations with things and they forevermore remind us of that place, or that time, or a person. Maud at Awfully Chipper wrote a lovely post recently about remembering her mother’s watch…
Goodbye to a decade
I’m sitting on the couch, on a wet Friday night, wrapped in a blanket, sipping a gin and tonic. My husband is upstairs – wrestling with wrapping paper I hope. We’ve a playlist to agree, another drink to have and then my thirties will be over. They started in Venice,…
17 Things That All Adults Should Do (To Prove That They're Adults)
As my 40th birthday approaches I’m trying to get sensible. There’s no denying that I’m an adult now. So here are 17 “adulty things” (I know adulty isn’t a word, see no. 17 below) that I’ve done or am working on doing, that everyone really should, just to, you know,…
It's Only a Zero. Right?
I’m OK. Totally OK. I am totally OK with turning 40 in two-and-a-half weeks. That’s what I’ve been telling myself for months and months, for years in fact. It’s only a number. I am as old as I feel, as old as I choose to believe, or choose to act.…
Am I Out of Date Already?

When I was expecting my first child, back in 2008, I spent all my hours researching baby products. (Well, the ones I wasn’t eating or obsessing about baby names or drinking Gaviscon by the bottle). I made spreadsheets of buggies’ features, compared prices in different shops (and countries) and read reviews…
Election 2016 – A Kids' Eye View
There’s a fascination with the posters at the moment, the backseat passengers of the car are commenting constantly on them. The seven-year-old, who has the advantage of being able to read, is putting all the pieces of the jigsaw together. He’s asking how it all works, what politicial parties are,…
Driving Tips with
15 from '15 (again)
I’ve done again what I do at least once a month and I’ve published a post with the date that I first started writing it rather than the date I published it. That means that the poor post is way down in the November 2015 posts instead of up here…