Repealed: One Week On

A week has passed. Realisation still comes slowly. We did this. The Eighth Amendment is gone. The women of Ireland have reclaimed our bodily autonomy. The shame is lifting. The moment of the exit poll being announced was surreal. Could it really be? Another, thunder stolen by the first, was…

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The Reasons I’m Voting to Repeal


We’re four weeks away from a very important vote in Ireland, the vote to repeal the Eighth Amendment to our constitution. It’s too important not to talk about here.  If repealed the effect will be that that equal right to the life of the unborn will be removed from our…

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Snowed in, Snowed under

There were warnings. Lots of them. Joanna and Evelyn told us. We watched every bulletin and waited. It was coming. We bought provisions, bread (obviously), milk, chocolate, water, carbs, biscuits, vegetables to make soup, dinner things. By Tuesday excitement was high. Very high. Would Daddy make it home from London…

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Thanks for the Memories Dolores

I moved to Limerick in September 1993, with two new pairs of Penneys’ jeans, some nice tops and not a clue about anything really. I’d never spent any time in Limerick until then and had no affinity for the place. It took me in, the city that’s a lady. I…

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17 from ’17: Looking Back on a Year in Blogging

I’m still eating Celebrations and there’s a well lit tree in the corner of my sitting room so it’s fair to say that I haven’t quite leapt into 2018 yet. Before I do wave goodbye to 2017 fully I’m looking back over my blog life for the last twelve months,…

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Me Too. What About You?

When my kids want to be cruel to each other they taunt by saying something really nice to each other and then say “I really mean that too, in an alternate universe that doesn’t exist”. Talking to my husband recently about our general life experience, about everyday things like  walking…

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We Need Eight Hours Sleep They Say

I’m tired. Oh so tired. Nearly always. I’m tired of not getting enough sleep, and these days its more my own fault than the kids’. (Well, mostly, there still are nights that I wake up with a chubby foot on my neck and I wonder when she climbed in beside…

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Weekend Plans and No Plans

“What are you up to for the weekend?” This innocent question that I’ve asked and been asked every Friday, since well since I was old enough to have any control over my life at all, got me thinking. Time was, when someone asked I had plans for the weekend sometimes…

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