Review and Giveaway: Ghostbus Kids’ Tour from DoDublin

We were recently invited to review the Ghostbus Kids’ Tour from DoDublin. They’re the crowd that have done the done the adult version for years, and I’d often meant to take it, but I softened. The new offering is a child-friendly ghost tour, done on “the Ghost Bus”. We’d never…

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Natural Born Feeder: Review and Giveaway

It’s great to get something to review that you really want and have had an eye on, and that was the case when Gill Books sent me a review copy of Natural Born Feeder, Roz Purcell’s cookbook. Roz is well known as a model, and started her very popular healthy…

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Finish Dishwasher Giveaway

I am long on record as not being a fan of washing up. At all. I have even rated recipes based on a “washing-up index” (lots of washing up = bad score). It’s a pretty joyless diversion really, the washing-up, it’s wet and messy and sticky. The dish rack is…

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Cookbook Review and Giveaway: All in the Cooking 

  A few weeks ago I received a copy of “All in the Cooking”,  which has recently been reprinted by O’Brien Press and The Educational Company, for review. I loved the original, or as it happens the metric edition, when growing up. It was very well thumbed in our kitchen…

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Lunchbox Giveaway Winner

   The winner of the yubo personalised lunchbox from Zazzle as chosen by Rafflecopter is Eimear Hutchinson.  Congratulations Eimear, I’ll be in touch to arrange your prize. 

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Yubo Lunchbox Review and Giveaway from Zazzle

With Back to School almost upon us Zazzle UK let us personalise a yubo lunchbox on their site to review Since Cathal is starting school I thought it would be nice for him to try, but I let the personalisation be a surprise as I didn’t want to rub his…

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