Banana Muffins

Those dotty bananas, the lunchbox rejects that children in this house turn their noses up at.  They look at you (me) accusingly from the fruitbowl demanding to be used.   Mostly, I pop them in the freezer for later (just in their skins) and turn them into Brown Sugar Banana…

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Nigella’s Lemon Meringue Cake

Nigella’s Lemon Meringue Cake Lemon Meringue Pie, or plain old “Lemon Meringue” as we called it, was a standard feature of all our family gatherings when I was a child. The blind baked pastry case, the “Royal” brand lemon mix which you’d add water to and wait for the delicious…

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Cheesy Broccoli and Pancetta Pasta Bake

You know the way the supermarkets do special deals on veg? Well, this led to there being an inordinate amount of broccoli in our house during the week, which in turn led me to googling recipes involving broccoli that would mean that I wouldn’t have to go to the shop…

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Pesto Chicken and Vegetable Traybake

Regular readers will know that I am all about easy recipes, especially those that involve as little washing up as possible. (Aha, cookbook idea “Bumbles of Recipes that don’t involve much washing up”, must remember that one, if you’re a cookbook publishing person feel free to contact me!).   I…

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Donal Skehan’s Lemon Slices

It’s lovely to have something home baked if you have callers for a cuppa. Even better if it’s easy to make and hit with everyone, sure we hate having waste, better to see the crumbs on the plate. In my fantasy world I have freshly baked things for every caller,…

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Flapjacks I do like flapjacks, they feel healthier than biscuits thanks to all those “good for you” “bursting with energy” oats and that means there’s no mammyguilt about putting them in lunchboxes.  I’ve tried loads of different recipes and a lot are hit and miss, too crumbly, too crunchy, too…

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Sausage, Butterbean and Leek Casserole

Sausage, Butterbean and Leek Casserole     What kids don’t love sausages?  I found this recipe a couple of years ago when I had extra sausages in the fridge and fancied something interesting.  Both boys love it, we’ve fed it to friends and family and I have shared the recipe…

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Very Easy Chicken and Broccoli Bake

I tested this recipe a few years ago for Mummy Pages (their version with my photograph is here) and it has become a firm favourite in our house. I was skeptical as I had made the full on one before with homemade white sauce and would usually turn my nose…

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Brown Sugar Banana Bread

Banana bread to me is comfort food. I had a bad time with my tummy a few years ago which meant I had to go off dairy, chocolate, anything fatty, red meat, alcohol, you name it, it hurt me, it had to go. As is my way, I did lots…

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Mint Aero Slices

Mint Aero Slices (formerly traybake) for the Great Irish Bake in aid of Temple Street Children’s Hospital We had a bake sale in work this week, as part of the Great Irish Bake for Temple Street Hospital, a great cause. I was really blown away by the generosity of my…

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