A Week in Dinners #9 – with a healthy twist

Remember my week in dinners? It’s been a while. I’m back to work and life is a bit chaotic. I still haven’t gotten into the swing of meal planning so it’s all a but random, and truth be told my evening meal often consists of cheese and crackers. (I also…

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Eleven dishes that you need to know how to cook

It’s no secret that I like to cook and that I adore my food, so people often turn to me for ideas- I get asked “what will I make for _____?”. Despite producing food every day to feed ourselves and our families, everyone seems to have a blank when it…

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A Week in Dinners #8

Thanks to everyone who took part in my Week in Dinners linky– I was over the moon with the response. It’s still open if anyone else wants to join in and I will do a roundup of all posts and reader contributions next week (yeah, I know, I said that…

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A Week in Dinners #6 *junkfood alert*

I’ve shared our real life family dinners quite a few times now starting all the way back in October and then sporadically when I felt like it, or as an easy way to create blog content. Since I’m driving the honesty agenda a lot at the moment (had you noticed?)…

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A Week’s Dinners #5

I’m being encouraged to keep sharing our real life meals, so here’s another post about them Due to an incident involving a splash, a toilet and a box of rice I didn’t get to photograph this week’s meals, or the ones that I did are on the big complicated camera,…

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A Week’s (Barefaced) Dinners #4

I blogged a few times about what we really ate for dinner and people seemed interested, and relieved that they were normal in not feeding their families gourmet food every night, so I took a note of this week’s meals again. The title is a reference to my blogpost last…

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Review: Fruit Heroes

Like any parent of young children I get very bored of putting lunchboxes together with the same old bits and pieces- sandwich, fruit, yogurt (if it’s near the end of the week or the spare uniform is clean), breadsticks.  Acceptable but boring. So when we were offered a new healthy…

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Quick and Tasty: Courgette Carbonara

This is a very regular feature on our dinner landscape, it’s tasty, it’s eaten by the whole family (including babygirl now too) and it’s on the table in under 15 minutes. If the kids are hovering I employ them in grating the courgette and mixing the parmesan and egg together.…

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Pear Pudding

Having reviewed Fay Ripley’s “What’s for Dinner” I promised myself that I’d try the Pear Pudding recipe so I finally got to last weekend. I posted a photo on Facebook and Twitter and the requests for the recipe rolled in (OK there were three, but in my terms that’s a…

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