What's Everyone Eating? Week in Dinners 2016 Linky Round Up

Way back in February I ran a week in dinners linky. Lovely bloggers contributed and shared their dinners. Then,  I forgot to do a roundup, even though I noted my week’s dinners that week on my Notes app in my phone nearly three months ago.  Sorry everyone. Dinners are pretty seasonal, but…

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12 Tips to Make Weekday Dinners Easier

Weekdays are the hectic ones, with the whirlwind of school, work, commute and  activities it can prove challenging to get your kids eating good healthy meals every day. Here are some of my tips to relieve the stress of figuring out what’s for dinner and getting it on the table…

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A Week in Dinners #3 2016

Week Three, still cooking, still eating. Here’s this week’s exciting as always week in dinners.   Monday Monday night is quick dinner night. We had meatballs which I cooked on Sunday night with homemade tomato sauce from the freezer and wholewheat pasta. Every ate all they were given.   Tuesday…

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One Pot Chicken and Rice Pilaff 

“One pot wonder” is how the Lidl webpage sells this recipe, but it should come with a cautionary note that it’s only a one pot wonder if you own the right pot. Luckily, I do. I’ve made this dish a few times and it always goes down well, mostly because…

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A Week in Dinners #2 2016

Another week, another week in dinners, and slowly but surely I’m upping my game I think. Writing things down means I think about them more, and we eat a more varied diet as a result. Monday Pick and Mix Pasta Easy concept, boil pasta, take anything you could conceivably eat…

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A Week in Dinners- 2016/1

  It’s back! The  “Week in Dinners” series  has always been pretty popular on the blog but I often forget about what we’ve eaten or just forget to write it down. We can all get a bit stale on the dinner inspiration and what the kids will actually eat. Sometimes…

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Healthy Coconut Macaroons from The Happy Pear 

Like the whole world I’m trying to eat less crap, but my sweet tooth is letting me down and I’ve been scouring my “healthy” cookbooks for better for me ideas. I got the Happy Pear cookbook last year and instantly loved the no bake twix bars(link) and the caramel slices…

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19 Healthy Snacks My Kids Will Actually Eat 

Surely my kids aren’t the only ones that are ALWAYS hungry? Sometimes I think that when I’m at home I just feed them, clean up after feeding them and repeat all day til bedtime. When I was off work on maternity leave we’d have lots of visitors so they’d enjoy…

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Our 9 Favourite Family Dinners 

Dinnertime conversation in our house is, well, low brow. It’s punctuated with spilled milk and requests for ketchup. I went through a phase of asking the kids what their favourite meal was to distract them from how much they hated whatever was on their plates at that moment so now,…

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