This weekend we were invited to go to the Superhero Adventure at Rathwood in Co. Carlow.
We’ve been to Rathwood numerous times before so knew more or less what to expect. so the smallest donned her superhero outfit with great excitement, and her older brothers came along for the promise of the free cupcake at the end.
When we arrived we checked in at reception and were directed to the Superhero waiting area, down the end of the shop, past many beautiful things that I vowed to come back to look at later.
We waited for about 5 minutes in the waiting area, (it was all decorated with superhero decorations) with all the other children in their superhero costumes (and the one brave Superman dad) until a super villain sneaked in and told us that he had stolen superpowers from two superheroes, the “Radical Wonders”, cue the Radical Wonders arriving and asking us to help them find their powers.
Off on the train we went, with lots of interaction with our host in the carriage, one of the Radical Wonders. We looked for clues and were brought past Santa’s reindeer down to a shed in the woods which were were told was the Superhero Academy.
Inside the Superhero Academy the kids all completely their “superhero registration form” with their name, superhero name and they selected their special powers. They were also given a cardboard superhero eye mask to colour. My three all enjoyed this, although the smallest is a real colouring perfectionist so she was a little rushed. The villain made contact over the loudspeaker while we were working away.
Next up were the superhero tests, once they had all been given their own foam superhero mask (which you take home). The tests were a speed test (running), a strength test (lifting weights) and an agility test (musical statues). The Radical Wonders were very enthusiastic and kept the kids engaged.
After those sessions we were back on the train and down to Treasure Island where the bad guy was hanging out, cue some pantomime exchanges between the good guys, the bad guys and us on the train.
SPOILER ALERT: With the super powers restored the Radical Wonders re-joined us on the train and we made our way back to the main building, where there was a photo opp with the Radical Wonders.
Then, after about fifty minutes in total we were free to exchange our superhero registration forms for free cupcakes in the cafe. Needless to say I bought coffee and cake for me, and then the kids needed drinks, and we wanted chips when we saw the table next to us sharing a plate of them. The cupcakes were the only disappointment, two of my kids didn’t like the icing so they left the cupcakes after them with only one bite out of them each. I don’t know where I got them!
The Superhero Adventure event runs until 31st March, tickets cost €12 per child and €4 per adult, ticket price includes train ride, activites, mask and cupcake. You can book tickets here.

These are the free masks on the boys
We had a fun day out, sometimes these events are very cheesy or babyish for the older kids but the hosts here engaged with ours too and had a few bad jokes and ad libs that kept our bigger ones engaged. The event itself is mostly aimed at kids up to age 7, and they should definitely wear their superhero costume if they have one.
The event runs until 31st March, tickets cost €12 per child and €4 per adult, ticket price includes train ride, activites, mask and cupcake. You can book tickets here.
I’m running a GIVEAWAY on my instagram page until Wednesday 6th March to win a family ticket to the Superhero Event at Rathwood – click through to my instagram here to enter, and good luck!