We had a great family holiday in Portugal last year, but before we went we weren’t quite sure what to expect.
We’d been before as a couple but had forgotten a lot about that trip (that’s what getting older does to you) and bringing kids into the equation always makes it more “interesting” and makes you notice things you might not have previously.
Here’s some trivia and interesting titbits that we learned over the course of the fortnight, so that you can go forearmed with the knowledge.
1. There are never bag hooks on the doors in toilet cubicles. EVER. I never realised how much I used them til they weren’t there!
2. Happy Meals in McDonalds offer soup. Not just one type but three types including CABBAGE SOUP! Can you imagine if I bought my kids CABBAGE SOUP in McDonalds? There would be war. It must sell though, right?

3. It’s a “put the toilet paper in the bin” country. Not easy to explain to a three-year-old.
4. The chocolate churros are not to be missed.
5. They love their football (Portugal won the European championship while we were there)
6. It contains the most westerly point in mainland Europe.
7. Aldi has a different logo than at home which is why we couldn’t find it and drove past a few times looking.
8. Portugal has the same time as Ireland whereas Spain which is further east is one hour ahead. It doesn’t make sense. So if you go on a daytrip to Seville you lose an hour (we learned this the hard way).
9. Like many Mediterranean countries, if you get bread before a meal you pay for it. Ditto the scrummy sardine paste. Worth every cent. Mmm sardine paste
10. Obrigado means thank you. It’s always good to be mannerly.
and for a bonus
No. 11 It is impossible to only eat one Tarta de Nata. They are so, so, good.
Anyone notice anything else unusual that I’ve forgotten?
You can read about our holiday on the Algarve HERE.
You can read about our family holiday to Tuscany HERE.
Our Family weekend in Galway is HERE.
Or take pot luck and click HERE to see where it brings you.