My Favourite Five

I’ve been blogging now for 4-and-a-half years, and in that time I have written 428 posts including this one. That’s a lot of time spent writing. Of those 428 there are 90 that contain recipes and 70 reviews. There are attempts at humour and lists, hints and advice.

The posts I like the most tend to fall outside most of these categories and are the ones that I write from the heart. I love to write these, they come to me and I can’t stop typing til they come out. Sometimes they’re about issues that annoy me, other time they’re moments of joy or sentimentality.

Many that I love go unread or unloved by others so when I saw that Kate Takes 5 was marking 6 years of blogging and one million views by asking bloggers to share their five favourite posts I thought it was a perfect time to look back over my own archives and pick a few to reshare. Then I started trying to choose and it was so hard, the most popular posts aren’t always the ones that were my favourites.

Here are the ones that made the cute, and why, in no particular order. You can see the rest of the posts in Kate’s Listography linky here.


1. Kids, Work, Commute, Cook, Blog, Sleep. The Secret to How I Do It.

Because I’m always asked the question, and the answer is pretty straightforward really. Sometimes, when I have a question to answer I write about it to get the thoughts clear in my head, and this was one of them. Many people were relieved with the answer too.

Much more fun than ironing

Much more fun than ironing


2. A List of Things that are in my Car Right Now (Or Reasons Why I Should Never Offer Anyone A Lift)

I like this one as it’s all true, and it reminds me that I do need to clean my car out every now and then. It always reminds me that even though this was written almost two years ago very little has changed, except the number of hurls.



3. So Long Maternity Leave, It’s Been Great Knowing You

A lookback on very happy but busy days, full of nostalgia and with a slight sense of foreboding, I often re-read this post to remember what it was like, and to remember why I did go back to work.

Happy Maternity leave days

Happy Maternity leave days

4. Celebrating the day we became parents

The day that started it all, again a nostalgic post with so much meaning, that made me think when writing it and that I love going back to to remember those first scary days.

Ready to rock home for the first time

Ready to rock home for the first time

5. A Nearly Missed Milestone

I love this post because of what it commemorates, and because if I hadn’t written the post I might have forgotten the amazing feeling that it gave us all. Blogging is great for that sometimes, like a public diary, and I don’t keep a private diary. I’m glad I recorded this milestone.




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