My 2015 (Non) Resolutions Revisited

Last year I shared some New Year’s Non-Resolutions, and now, as an example of reasons you never should do this I’m going to revisit my 2015 resolutions. Wish me luck. 

I don’t make resolutions you see, because, well, they’re destined to fail. I’ll go hard it it for six weeks and then it’ll all fall by the wayside. 

In an attempt to see whether this approach works I’ve revisited my 2015 non-resolutions that I thought at the time were fairly doable 

You can read them HERE.

My aspirations for 2015 were varied, and I thought that some of them year achievable, here’s how they went.

1. Do a 5k

I did one! With my sisters and one of my brothers in February. See?


2. Look after myself more

Hmmm, hard to call. If I am doing it I need to continue doing it. Exercise is one key part I could improve on, as is giving time to things other than Facebook. I’m great at planning dinners for the kids but less good at planning them for myself on days that they eat at their childminder’s. Definitely room to improve there too. However I’ve gotten better at saying no to others and being more selfish when I need to be, and that definitely pays off. 

3. Read more books
I read a few good ones this past year, like The Husband’s Secret and The Secret Keeper and Unravelling Oliver and The Girl on the Train and they got me reading more. Still room to add but my book club keeps me on track, I just find that if a book doesn’t grab my interest it puts me off reading anything, like a roadblock. 

4. Try to be less untidy

I’ve really worked on this one this year. done this! I read a book called “the life changing magic of tidying up” (no, seriously!) and I did a(nother) huge declutter using the advice in the book, bigger than I’ve ever done. So big, my parents were afraid to come visit in case they’d be donated to the charity shop. (I’m not making it up, they actually said this!) Gaps started appearing on shelves, it was amazing. I’m not finished yet but I feel lighter for it, I’ve fewer clothes, which means I’ve more clothes that fit me as I can see them in the wardrobe and the ones that I didn’t love (or didn’t love me) aren’t hiding them any more.


5. Husband time

Definitely need to work on this more, we did get away for a weekend in February and overnights in September and November  but it’s more the everyday stuff that’s hard to maintain.

6. Make brown bread

I made the porridge bread recipe that’s all over the Internet, it’s nice but no substitute for my Mam’s brown bread.

That’s not so bad is it? Now, to finish writing my review of the year, and try to decide whether I’m going to state any non-resolutions this year.

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