New Series: Things That Make My Life Easier – No. 1

Do you ever find yourself stopping in the middle of the daily grind for a moment when you realise that some item in your life has just, well, made things easier?

I blogged a few years ago about some such items and as I am currently reading this book that is going to change my life this book that is going to change my life I realise that I should appreciate these items more.

So I’m going to do a new occasional series on the blog, Things That Make My Life Easier. In this series I will share items that I own that fulfill that task. They may not be the most glamorous of items but these things are good, they help me. They are all going to be things that I bought or were bought for me, no freebies or review items, unless I end up getting sent something so amazing that it’s life-changing, and if that happens I’ll let you all know.

So, without further ado:


Things that make my life easier


My children are fascinated by water play. By water play I mean spilling water all over the already boggy garden. I used to spend most of my days off standing at the kitchen sink on tap patrol, the boys using every opportunity to fill every receptacle in the back garden and to soak each other. Then my husband, sick of spending his time doing the same, ordered this:

Ensures family harmony

Ensures family harmony


It was designed to stop water thieves but it’s equally effective as an anti-fun device for kids. The tap is locked. The kids can’t turn it on. The garden is just its own naturally normal boggy state. The kids don’t arrive in soaked to the skin nearly as often. There is A LOT less shouting in our house since we bought this, and that’s good for everyone.

Yes, taplock makes my life easier. You can get one HERE for €20. Cheap for the peace of mind it gives and the savings in throat lozenges. Get one.





Voting remains open in the Boots maternity and infant awards where I’m a finalist in the Best Parenting Blog category. I’d really appreciate your vote if you had a moment.  You can vote HERE.

Regular readers will know that I often link to Amazon and I’m now also a member of  Amazon Associates so here’s what you need to know about that: “Bumbles of Rice is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to


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