A Cookbook, Jeans and a Bump- this week's Little Loves 

Another week down and I’ve gotten it together enough to join the Little Loves linky again. It’s a lovely straightforward post linky with a little update of our week, the headings set out by butwhymummywhy who hosts it.

We’d a busy week, (aren’t they all!), I was on the radio again on Saturday giving my TV recommendations, the kids did lots of bike-riding and we went to Wells House on Sunday afternoon.

Here’s our little loves this week:

Thanks Neven!

I met Neven Maguire when I was in RTE to do the Marian Show on Saturday and he gave me a copy of his new book for the kids, he even signed it. The book is aimed at babies and toddlers but there sre lots of family meals in there too. I’ll do a proper review soon when I’ve made more of the dishes but it’s definitely one to check out.


I recorded the Secret Life of Lego documentary on Channel 4 and was intrigued by the insight it gave into how the company works. I was hoping they’d announce Lego that is less sore to step on barefoot but sadly this didn’t happen. I also watched much Peppa Pig, and discovered comedy series Portlandia for the first time on Netflix.


I got new jeans and I’ve been living in them. They’re  Boyfriend Jeans from Marks and Spencer and they’re lovely soft cotton with a great shape, loose around the top so comfy but with a lovely leg. I’m delighted with them.


I’m trying to think of good things I heard but the sound that made the most impact this week was Laoise’s screams as she fell into the door. She (and we) got a fright and she got a black eye for her troubles, but thankfully she is OK. I wrote about it HERE.


I made (and ate most of) another batch of Chocolate Coconut Bites. Soooo good and not so bad for you either.
Chocolate Coconut Balls

I also did a bit of a batch-cook when I was making dinner on Sunday, my freezer was getting empty! It takes no time if you’re cooking anyway and takes the pressure off midweek. I made meatballs in homemade tomato sauce.

5 days worth of dinners for the kids


I think the whole country was in shock over the tragic accident that killed six young people  in Berkley, California this week. Such a waste of bright young lives, our thoughts are with their families, and the survivors. You just never know what life is going to bring.

Fancy joining in? 

This post is part of a weekly linky hosted by butwhymummy #littleloves- check out the rest of this week’s linky posts HERE.

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