Review: Claudi & Fin Greek Style Frozen Yoghurt Lollies

Claudi & Fin recently sent us some (loads in fact) of their “Frozen Yoghurt Lollies” to try out and review.


The spin is that they are made with frozen yoghurt and real fruit with added Vitamin D and that they’re low in sugar and in calories (less than 60 per pop), so they’re a healthier alternative for parents to offer their kids. They come in two flavours, Mango and Strawberry.

It’s all very well offering healthier options but if the kids don’t like them they won’t be bought again. This isn’t a concern here, my three were all won over immediately and the small girl has been founding shouting “MANGO” at the freezer.

Image: Claudi & Fin

Image: Claudi & Fin

The packaging is very cute and I think the portion size is perfect for kids.

Claudi & Fin recently launched on the Irish market and available in Centra and Supervalu stores, with a pack of 4 pops costing €3.50. Tasty and healthy they’re worth checking out.

And as to our favourite flavour Over to Cathal for his views…


Concentrating on the mango



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