Can you spare me a vote?


This morning I found out that my blogpost returning to work after maternity leave has been nominated in the “Best Blogpost” category of the Irish Blog Awards. Needless to say, I’m delighted. The blog is also on the long list in the Parenting and Personal Blog categories.

But the list of nominees is very long, and only the top ten “best blogpost” nominees get through to the finals, with the result being decided by judges.

That’s where you come in.

If you liked the post and think it deserves the nomination, I’d really, really appreciate if you could spare a moment and click three times to give me your vote. You can only vote once a week, so you’d be off the hook for 7 whole days 🙂

To vote you just:

1. Click on the link below (that’s one click)

Click here to vote

2. Find Bumbles of Rice on the list and click on the little circle before it (that’s a second click)

3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the vote button (see, just three clicks)

If you want to see how I’m doing you can view the results on the same link, just click at the bottom.

Thanks, I really appreciate it.

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