Some Easter Ideas

Hello, remember me, I used to write a blog….Yes, it feels like it’s been a while since I wrote a “proper” blogpost. Things are busy, (aren’t they always?) I’m back to work next week and therefore I’m concentrating more on hanging out with the kids and ticking things off my “to do on maternity leave” list. I’m putting way too much significance into every single thing that I do, as it’s my last time that I’ll get to do it on maternity leave. My heart is heavy, but I’ll write about that again I think. Today, it’s about Easter.


Happy Easter from Bumbles or Rice

I’m writing on Good Friday night, we had fish for dinner but I’m drinking a glass of wine as I type, not sure where that leaves me in the queue for heaven. We had a lovely few days earlier this week  visiting “Grandad in Belfast” that I’ll share in the next few days. (Or weeks, depending on how my system and my children react to my impending return to work.)

So, of Easter, well what’s to say? How’s your Easter looking? Ours will feature chocolate and family and eggs. We’re hoping to spend some family time tomorrow (Saturday) and bring the kids off out for the day (check my instagram to see where we end up)  then Sunday we’re Duncannon bound for one of those rare occasions where Mam gets us all in the same house for a couple of hours, no mean feat with 6 of us, 4 kids and 2 significant others to account for. We’ll talk about Easters past, how long the Good Friday ceremonies take, plan changes to the garden and how it’s all changed so much and eat too much. That’s how it usually goes anyway.

The boys have chosen their “big” Easter eggs, the Easter Bunny will hopefully hide some smalls eggs and treats in the garden on Sunday morning.

I’ve nothing much planned for the rest of the holidays as mine end all too abruptly on Wednesday but here are some ideas for things you might like to do over the break:

1. Eat Chocolate (well duh)

2. Check out Dr. How’s Science Eggsperiments to keep the kids busy.

3. Go on a daytrip– what about the  Aquarium in Bray, the Natural History Museum  for rainy days or Powerscourt Waterfall or Avondale to get some fresh air?

4. Make a Secret Special Box, another wet day activity that will make your kids think that you did crafts with them.

5. Use your “leftover” chocolate to make Malteser Traybake, Mint Aero Slices, or just Rice Krispie Buns. Then eat them. (If your little ones can’t tolerate dairy then Laura at has found LOTS of dairy free alternatives to our usual Easter treats). In my opnion decorating with mini eggs instantly “easterises” any dessert.

6. Make an Easter Bonnet like Where Wishes Come From did.

7. Get Easter crafty with Hama beads like Learner Mama.

8. Springclean–  I’m kidding, if you have kids underfoot this is a BAD idea. Do not pass Go, return to No. 1 above, it’s HOLIDAY time.


For more ideas check out the links on Office Mum’s blog.


Whatever you get up to have a great Easter break.




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