Like any parent of young children I get very bored of putting lunchboxes together with the same old bits and pieces- sandwich, fruit, yogurt (if it’s near the end of the week or the spare uniform is clean), breadsticks. Acceptable but boring.
So when we were offered a new healthy snack for review we were delighted to try them out.
Fruit Heroes come from Denmark and are made from, well, fruit, water and sunflower oil. The end. There’s no artificial anything and no added sugar (being a fruit product they are high in “naturally occurring” sugar). I was astounded to read that they sell 30 million each year in Denmark, especially since the population is only 5million- 6 per head of population. (I’m really going through a love of Scandi TV at the moment, and I feel if it’s good enough for my “friends” in Borgen and The Killing, not to mention The Bridge, then it’s good enough for me!)
The main ingredient in each flavour is dates, and since I don’t love dried fruits this made me very skeptical, but I felt bound to taste the samples and I’m delighted to report that they work some kind of magic and there’s no “datey” flavour at all. Result.
The marketing blurb is all very well, but would the kids be duped?
They liked the packaging, I could tell because they begged for them as soon as they saw them! They were initially put off by the unwrapped look of them- there’s no artificial colours so they look like what they are, pressed dried fruit.
Having tasted all three flavours that we had Ciarán liked the blackcurrant flavour, saying that it tasted like blueberries (his palate may need finer tuning). He wasn’t a fan of banana at all but luckily we had a friend who loved them. Cathal’s favourite was the apple raspberry, which I also tasted and they reminded me of Wham bars. Fruit that tastes like Wham bars, who would believe it?
I’ll be buying them again, they’re a handy snack to keep in the car or bag and have a shelf life of 16 months, although I can’t imagine them lasting that long around here.
Fruit Heroes are new to the Irish market, and already on the shelves in our local Tesco.
I was provided with Fruithero bars for the purpose of this review. I was not paid for the review and the opinions are my own.